Tuesday, 9 August 2011

"We might not get tommorrow"

Bonsoir *strokes blog whilst its purr's* well I woke up today to a lovely site, some horrid man had come along and drew dots all over my body with red pen in the middle of the night.... oh no wait thats just my GVH skin rash exploding all over my body, causing what can only be described as acid being poured onto ur hands, along with someone making your skin itch.....like a biatch?

Ah day 117 today and I have had to accept the fact that steriods is the only route to go for my skin. I suppose the sooner i go on them and the sooner I get off them then they can lower my anti rejection drug... which is a slooowwww and looonggg process GAH! But im fed up with my skin being so sore, and to be honest my immune system could use a break. I'm just scared that because I'm super sensitive to steriods, that I will become a nutter (the way i was last time i was on them) But one can only wait and see (I start them tommorrow)

In other news London/England has decided to display their love of fire and stealing. I don't think the actions of the citizens of England is the right option but then again riots to me are normal because of where I come from, so the media coverage is just laughable in the sense that its only urging more people to act criminally BECAUSE they are getting attention from the media. I think the rioter's orginal message is actually getting lost somewere in their criminal behaviour. But that's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their's.

I have still got to continue revising for my accounting first sit which is on the 17th and par that I'm sort of trying to keep going, as usual.

Other things in my life aren't great, but a blog isn't the place :) *feed blog treat*

One more thing before i leave... check this song out (prob know it) and dan-danceeee "marrry youuuu" by Bruno Mars. Everyone wants to marry me.... even you ;)


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