Saturday, 27 August 2011

The Step In Parental

Can't wait till my hair is like this again!

Phew! *lies down* what a hetic day! I was like wonder woman organising and what not. I started off by getting up to waken my dog, Charlie and give him his breakfast. Of course being Charlie he decided to let me know when he had finished his breakfast by trekking up to my room and breathing his dog breath into my face and looking at me like I was going to jump out of bed and take him to the park. That was not happening, instead he jumped up onto the bed and realised my boyfriend had stayed over. His face was one of question, as if he was asking "and why are you here?" but once again that didnt deter him from rubbing his nose into my boyfriends chest and getting comfy inbetween us. That didnt last long when I told him to go away....

Then I got ready and went to order my new sliderobes for my new house :D it was sooo exciting being able to choose a sliderobe from scratch. Gosh did I just say exciting? Anywhoooo I can't wait to do my new house up and get it all vintagey and girly (not too girly of course, more chic than girly)

Of course by this stage the dog needed more attention so we took him to the park where he tottered off content in his wee world. Of course I spilt his lunch and instead of being a good stand in parent I just let him eat it off the kitchen floor, which to be honest he seemed fine with. I can tell he is secretly wondering when his real mum will return and bring his normal routine back to him, but I have enjoyed looking after him.

Khloe Ring
I also made my crunchy cheesecake for my cousin's 3rd birthday party tomorrow, but I can't wait until this Friday coming because I am going away to Belle Isle where I shall take loads of photos for my blog....

In other exciting news, it is now offically not warm anymore at night time. I find that two duvets for one small person (that being me) is ample enough to keep me warm. I can't wait for winter though.

Ohhh i was going to show you my haul as youtubers call it. I got this lovely playsuit and a ring from, both of which I adore.

Swallow Playsuit
Bird Ring

Go check them out!

Ta Ta for noowwww

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