Sunday, 21 August 2011

Get in my Belly....please?

Whisked sponge with a buttercream and raspberry filling
One of my favourite past times is baking. I find it so relaxing and I must admit, I love eating the left over mix that somehow didn't meet my quality standards (what?!)

Anyway this is a simple recipe that I have had in my recipe book since GCSE and the thing I love most about it, is that its a whisked, or as some call it "fatless sponge". This is my quantity that is enough to fill two sandwich tins (not sure of the size of mine, but they are mediumish in the look)

  • 100g caster sugar
  • 100g plain flour
  • 4 eggs
  1. Preheat oven 180 degrees. Add the eggs and the sugar until your mixture is pale, slightly fluffy and the whisk leaves a mark for 5 seconds
  2. Sieve the flour BIT BY BIT into the mixture and FOLD (this allows more air and a lighter mix)
  3. Pop mixture into sandwich tins and put them in the oven. I left mine to cook for 20mins, but depends on your oven and heat type.
I used a simple buttercream mix, 5oz of butter/stork and 280g of icing sugar with a splash of milk to make it less thick. Only spread icing sugar once the cakes are on the cooling rack and have cooled completely. For the raspberry filling I used Marks and Spencer raspberry jam, which i beat up in a cup to smooth it out and make it more workable (the jam isnt seedless, which made the overall end result look better)

So maybe you could try it yourself? Its very simple and in the last hour since it has been made there is only a quarter of my cake left. Its a great recipe to get small hands to help with, as there is little to no mess and you only need one bowl for everything (just wash it to make the buttercream obviously)

Toodle pips for now *drags stomach along the floor*

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow that's an easy to remember recipe! I must try this =D
