Friday, 23 September 2011

Social Sites

For as long as I can remember people have been part of some sort of social site whether it be Bebo (back in the old days) or Facebook, even Google has taken to entering the frenzy competitive world of social networking sites with their take on it called "Google+"

Lately though, behind closed doors most owners of networking sites have been plotting, planning, developing and slowly releasing to the internet world their new versions and updated programmes of their services.


Facebook has been in the news twice this week alone and they havent even really begun to churn out their new changes to a less than pleased audience. Yes the service is free, yes we are not obliged to use Facebook and someone was quoted saying "the amount of users that use facebook means its hard that everyone is happy with new decisions" But is facebook taking it too far? Why change a good thing?

They have a long list of bad decisions from facebook chat that reguarly stops working, to a new mini news feed within the orginal newsfeed. That's not the only thing that Facebook change, they constantly update their security settings, without notifying people. In my opinion this is the worst thing about having a account on facebook, I have to check my security settings every week incase they have updated and therefore changed my personal customized settings to allow high privacy on my account.

I am not a user of Google+ so I cannot comment on their site nor how it works but I hope soon that Facebook will eventually stop changing their layout and realise that most people, since we are mammals DON'T like change.

Can you tell I am annoyed by the new layout? Probably since it seems I victimised Facebook alone, but I am not a user of any other networking site.

Goodbye, from a irritated user

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