Monday, 5 September 2011

Dont get your star studded bangle in a twist cus you jealous!

My title of my blog is from a brillant online vblogger called Kandee Johnson. I follow her all the time (not actual following, just watch her videos) and they are AWEESSOMEEE. She is always sooo happy, which in turn makes you happy and her make up tips are KICK ASS! They are also free, lol, so why not give her a wee watch? Im sure you wont be disappointed. The video I linked is an idea I want to do for Halloween, but I think it will stay a idea because my skin will probably go all mad on me for putting this type of make up on and then fire out some lovely GVH skin rash.

The E45 oil wash actually meant i didn't need to sit in the bath this morning, as i usually wake up and start the unbearable itching and have to climb into the bath ASAP to allow my skin to calm down.

Ahhh the joys of listening to rain outside. I adore rain. I only wish I had my bf to cuddle. I  miss him, but don't tell him that. He might get a complex or something :P

I also can't wait to go back to uni which is starting back this month, I shall have to get my motivation brain working so that I can go shopping for more folders (i like each module to have a specific folder and seperate notepad with stickers/labels etc) I am a total geek BUT i love it, and it means Im super organised and it doesn't take me a age to find everything when i need to search for a specific note from a specific week. WOAHHH a lot of specific's there. 

I am a bit worried though about going back because I don't have much confidence since the majority of time I spend alone or with mates/bf, therefore Im not really in a open social setting and since I am a bit OCD about my skin ie "people can see" i do get a bit wary about what people think. I am also worried about energy levels or catching something eg a cold. Oh well we have to take big steps in life.

Other than that I don't really have any more news to tell you. I'm just super excited about getting back to my old life because i miss it


Mucho Love, Janeyyy

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