Friday, 30 September 2011

Great Pumpkin Shortage? It can't be true. Can it?

Even though I do not live in USA I am shocked to realise that the underrated pumpkin is is short supply . the-great-pumpkin-shortage-limits-supply-in-northeast

I know that I am now seen as a "adult" in society but surely you can't blame me for loving the whole pumpkin carving and halloween outfit. Buying a single pumpkin for double their usual price? Would you? I probably would if it was the type of pumpkins American people get, our pumpkins are usually small and not as grand.

In other environmenty news I can't believe there is another hurricane for America already. The hurricane could become a threat for the island at the weekend although it has only just made it into cateorgy one storm with winds of 75mps. Click this link for the full story of the hurricane: Fourth Hurricane

Toodless for now

What What?

I know that most people are not that fussed with the trial itself, and I don't even have a actually opinion on it but I find the actual live coverage of such a trial.... so interesting. I have obviously never watched or been part of a court trial so I suppose curiousity is getting the better of me, but its similar to watching a soap (even though that might be a bad example)

I have also started back to uni. If someone said to me five months ago that I would be in university doing my second year of my degree I would go "pff" and laugh. I am just happy in general that I get to go back to university and gain some sort of normal life style back, even though I can't join in on social outings (although I am more suited to living the "sitting in" life now)

I haven't been doing much else other than getting organised for university. I am looking forward to my three year anniverarsy with my boyfriend because it means a nice meal out, which we haven't done in a while.

I sadly think that Belfast have lost out on the sunny weather today as it has been raining for most of the afternoon. Although I secretly wouldn't mind cold weather to come along, as i love snuggling down and wearing scarfs, mittens and winter coats.

In other news Rihanna has been visiting Belfast and did a new video in Bangor. I like her music, but I do not worship celebrities or really follow any specific celebrities as they are just normal people, no different to me or you. Anyway everyone went mad over her and was following her whilst she was filming the music video.

Sorry for the boring writing but sky news live coverage is taking all my attention today on the trial. At the minute a company spokesperson for medical equipment is being asked questions. This is probably the major "people" evidence to show Dr Murray could be done for neglect as he should not have been using this type of equipment for long term mointoring of MJ.

Toodles for now, hopefully next time I blog I will have my new Vaio lappy set up.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Social Sites

For as long as I can remember people have been part of some sort of social site whether it be Bebo (back in the old days) or Facebook, even Google has taken to entering the frenzy competitive world of social networking sites with their take on it called "Google+"

Lately though, behind closed doors most owners of networking sites have been plotting, planning, developing and slowly releasing to the internet world their new versions and updated programmes of their services.


Facebook has been in the news twice this week alone and they havent even really begun to churn out their new changes to a less than pleased audience. Yes the service is free, yes we are not obliged to use Facebook and someone was quoted saying "the amount of users that use facebook means its hard that everyone is happy with new decisions" But is facebook taking it too far? Why change a good thing?

They have a long list of bad decisions from facebook chat that reguarly stops working, to a new mini news feed within the orginal newsfeed. That's not the only thing that Facebook change, they constantly update their security settings, without notifying people. In my opinion this is the worst thing about having a account on facebook, I have to check my security settings every week incase they have updated and therefore changed my personal customized settings to allow high privacy on my account.

I am not a user of Google+ so I cannot comment on their site nor how it works but I hope soon that Facebook will eventually stop changing their layout and realise that most people, since we are mammals DON'T like change.

Can you tell I am annoyed by the new layout? Probably since it seems I victimised Facebook alone, but I am not a user of any other networking site.

Goodbye, from a irritated user

Money Madness

Someone should stop me. Get me a huge sign that alerts everyone that I have a card that has money on it and that I am willing to use it without properly thinking. Sirens should sound when I enter a shop because it's like a drug. I go into this trance like state and shopping makes me feel this high that I only seem to experience when I am shopping. It does worry me.

I actually don't even look at prices, THAT in itself speaks volumes. If I like it, especially clothes I will pick it up, try it on (sometimes I dont even do that) and then go to the till if I am a happy chappy. So I have started a new tact THINK BEFORE YOU BUY. So far it is sort of working. Sort of being the emphasised word.

Lately I have been good and only spent money on a new hair cut, which was neccessary because my hair has been growing for 5 months without me touching it. Then I got Garnier BB cream which is getting greattttt ratings for £8 in Boots. I then had to get hair spray (travel size before u ask!) which was a essential because no one has hair spray in my house. I did do well in PC world though. I could have got a new laptop but I said "no no i will go home and think about it" I am still unsure about a new laptop but its more of a santa christmas present but there is a sale at the moment.

Annyyyway I am getting better, I merely look now and think "no no you don't REALLYY need it" and quickly exit the shop before my brain can do this weird one to one conversation that goes like this:

"Oh look at that tshirt.... look for our size"
"Maybe we dont need it tho"
"Of course we need it... look our size is there. get it"
"No no i think we shudnt do that. we have a similar one at home"
"Similar! not the same"
"No i disagree"
"Ignore... go on you would look nice in that Jane"
"Yess i would wouldnt i?"

That my friend is where my madness comes from. I might become one of those cat ladies who have thousands of cats and have photos with me throwing money in the air or something. Goodness I hope not!

Anyway it is worrying that my brain is capable of having that sort of conversation without me being able to do much about it (I kid....)

I am currently still loving life, who wouldn't? I don't see anything wrong with anything in my life and to be honest I am pretty grateful at the current state of it.

I can't wait until the 5th of October though. I am celebrating my three years with my boyfriend. He doesnt get the hint when i leave him in the supermarket with the trolley and no way of getting home, but alas he has stuck around (i joke again!) I seriously can't wait we are going to this hotel and im super duper excited *claps like a seal* There is the link below and its the victorian type of room not the more modern one. I shall take photos and pretend I actually own the suite. Ekkk! Merchant Deluxe Suite Choices

I don't think I have much else to tell you, for as i said before I dont do much par from friends, uni and seeing my boyfriend and obviously my family.

Oh i have big news for my friend Emma. She has took the hugeeee step of going to Spain to do her teaching for a year. Sooo brave, I'm such a home bird but I am proud of her! Maybe she will never read this, who knows.

..... *picks up her fallen £100 notes off the floor and recounts them*

I joke!


Ze Apologies

Ah my little friend, I have neglected you badly this past while but fear not *stands tall* I have returned. Somewhat different, *strikes a pose* but alas you are more interested in hearing my recent stories, like a A list celeb that I am.

I am afraid I don't bring much gossip. I know i know, boring Jane. It is irritating to be this boring. Firstly I want to say that I am back at uni for my second year. I am super organised like always, I got my stationery today (my inner...actually just general geek like self loves stationery) and then I went and got my FIRST HAIR CUT since my hair has started to grow back.

Ah so exciting. I got it tapered around my ears and all the same length due to it needing to grow for a while at the same pace. I have decided to keep my denial about my curly hair at the back of my head and got that cut into, i love having a tapered back and short pixie like hair. Who wouldn't? Its fab for beating late mornings.

I am also down to FOUR steroids every other day, which i am very grateful for. My skin doesn't itch but I think that is due to me having E45 Oil baths every day. I can't praise this product enough, it is actually my life saver!!!  I popped a wee link about the product below because its a must have product even for skin that you can't be bothered moisturing.
More info on E45 Bath Oil

I am getting supppppeerrr dupppeerr excited about Halloween, you can feel it in the air now, that crisp dark evening when you can sense people lighting their fires and snuggling down to get some warmth. I have even started having a nightly hot chocolate, I am that cool.

I got a new phone, which I have blogger on but its awfully difficult to type on. Its the samsung Galaxy S2, but alas I shall continue to try to use the touch screen - its more the texting that it seems to take a fit with, since I tend to type fast.

Right time for my second post on my lastest buys and maybe other news that my little brain might have forgot. As the image said, I did have a cookie for you... but i ate it. Opps *wipes crumb from whiskers*

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A quick post

hey blog i have abandoned you again and currrently updating via phone but ill b on tommorrow for a update. in the mean time do you like my new headphones?


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

It's getting cold

Some sad news before good news: Today my hamster, Oreo died. She had another stroke so I sat with her and cuddled her until she passed away. She wasn't in much pain, she even snuggled into my arm and closed her eyes to go a sleep. Once she had passed away I put her in a pink box, which i secured with ribbon and buried her in my back garden. I do miss her, keep going in to chat to her and realising she is gone. She will be my last hamster, best and last.

Brrr! I seem to be the only one that is cold these days. thank goodness for me buying that over size scarf in River Island, both soft and warm. I swear I dont want to go to my winter wonderland wardrobe but i dont think i have much choice now.

Im also trying not to itch my eyebrows because my skin is itchy, as once again they seem to be hanging on for dear life. I cant believe its been four days since I lasted posted. Here is a round up of the events of my life (that i havent already mentioned)

- Slide robe man came out to measure my new wardrobe for when i move out (obvs the wardrobe will be in my new house)

- I passed my uni exams with flying colours. No need to re-sit them. I got 50 in accounting (only needed 40) and 71 overall in FOM. I start back to uni next week

- My bio chemistry tests are at their best after a check up clinic appointment today at the hospital

- I was able to get my car fixed by kwikfit after the wheel bearing severly needed fixed. Felt like a independent woman.

- Eventually caught up on all the sleep i haven't been getting and feel loads better for it.

I think that is all, nothing too exciting has been happening in my life but I don't want to neglect my blog by not posting, hopefully I'm not boring you. Can't wait until tommorrow, going to have a lazy day since i have had two different hospital appointments this week alone which means early mornings... early mornings are not good!

Night my bloggy woggy.x

Saturday, 10 September 2011

A rare entire post for GVH education

I found this amazing video on youtube from a girls experience of her brother having cancer and going through chemo and GVH. she reads her diary extract about what it was like for her brother getting chemo and sadly he got extreme GVH and didn't survive.

I wanted to post this video for the simple reason that it is very hard sometimes for people to talk about their experience of going through getting chemo, and I found this girl seemed to describe his chemo experience the way I used to feel. The diary reading comes at 3.51 in the video (before that is her describing GVH, but its a bit depressing because his was such a extreme form- in all his organs)

I sometimes forget that my brain had this ability to somehow blank out parts of my transplant so it now just remains a haze to me, parts were I know I feel like I was so sick from treatment that I would rather someone just kill me, and then other parts which my parents and family remember but I seem to forget. I suppose in a way its how people cope (the forgetting/haze part)
It's not a easy journey, but I think its a journey worth taking. A bit like skydiving or jumping off that massive cliff into the brillant blue sea on holiday, scary but somehow your body jumps and before you know it... you have done it.

I wouldn't change it for the world. What happens is meant to happen. I normally don't dedicate a whole post anymore to my health but I thought this girl deserved to be posted because for someone that lost their brother, she holds it together very well.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Something that I want.....

This song is from the hit movie "Tangled" and it makes me happy when I hear it, therefore you should hit PLAYYYY and listen to it whilst i tell you my great... no no... AWESOME SAUCE news.

I got told EVENTUALLY after chasing down my transplant co-ordinator (well my mum did the chasing) about my donor cell blood test. This shows how much donor vs my cells are in my body. So at this stage the hospital is looking for around 60-70% of the donor cells vs obviously 40% or below of my cells.

My result was.... ONE HUNDRED PERCENTTTTT *does a bouncy dance* which means that my cells are no longer there to teach the new cells bad habits ie that cancer cells are friendly, when in fact they are enemmmiesss *dramatic voice*

My other happy news is that I found out the sex of the donor. Ever since I got the transplant I had this image of a business woman from America taking time out to come over with her mini suitcase dragging behind her whilst she clip clopped her way through St James hospital BUT I got told yesterday that it was a male donor, which is even better because if my cells ever do come back they can instantly tell the difference between male and female cells.... woop woop like chicken soup!

I haven't blogged in a couple of days so I have tons of interesting news, like the fact that a tropical storm (im mega into weather incase you missed my other posts about weather related stories) is coming to UK, I know that hurricanes can change within hours never mind days and probably by the time it gets to UK it will only feel like a stormy/windy day but still, Im looking forward to it. I have never once seen a hurricane from American make it's way over towards us, so its superrrr duper exciting for me. Hurricane-Katia-heads-for-the-UK.

Well that's all for now folkyssss. Toodle pip and what not.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Dont get your star studded bangle in a twist cus you jealous!

My title of my blog is from a brillant online vblogger called Kandee Johnson. I follow her all the time (not actual following, just watch her videos) and they are AWEESSOMEEE. She is always sooo happy, which in turn makes you happy and her make up tips are KICK ASS! They are also free, lol, so why not give her a wee watch? Im sure you wont be disappointed. The video I linked is an idea I want to do for Halloween, but I think it will stay a idea because my skin will probably go all mad on me for putting this type of make up on and then fire out some lovely GVH skin rash.

The E45 oil wash actually meant i didn't need to sit in the bath this morning, as i usually wake up and start the unbearable itching and have to climb into the bath ASAP to allow my skin to calm down.

Ahhh the joys of listening to rain outside. I adore rain. I only wish I had my bf to cuddle. I  miss him, but don't tell him that. He might get a complex or something :P

I also can't wait to go back to uni which is starting back this month, I shall have to get my motivation brain working so that I can go shopping for more folders (i like each module to have a specific folder and seperate notepad with stickers/labels etc) I am a total geek BUT i love it, and it means Im super organised and it doesn't take me a age to find everything when i need to search for a specific note from a specific week. WOAHHH a lot of specific's there. 

I am a bit worried though about going back because I don't have much confidence since the majority of time I spend alone or with mates/bf, therefore Im not really in a open social setting and since I am a bit OCD about my skin ie "people can see" i do get a bit wary about what people think. I am also worried about energy levels or catching something eg a cold. Oh well we have to take big steps in life.

Other than that I don't really have any more news to tell you. I'm just super excited about getting back to my old life because i miss it


Mucho Love, Janeyyy

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Cows, Chickens and Cashhh!

I couldnt get all the photos and text in so i decided to do seperate posts showing all my fotos BUT then alas i forgot a chicken photo. The brown chickens were rescued from a battery farm and the black chickens/hen were bought from a local farmer. They just sort of ran over any time you were near them. The photo below is of their pretty green hen house which i thought was both vintagey and cool looking. Obviously I couldn't get too close or zoom in because my camera is not one of those hi-tech ones that art students or keen photographers use but I still like the wee photo. The chickens had names such as Agnes and Beatrice, which I found funny.

The estate called Belle Isle also has cows, which I included photos of. Cows are my favourite farm yard animal, I don't know why but they just are. Their facial expressions and general cow like apperance make me go all high pitched and excited. I love getting close to them, which is a slow process as I find most of them are very shy and run off if you approach them too fast.

I bought loads of clothes but I just could not be bothered taking photos and showing them all, but there are mostly dresses, shorts, tights, a horse coat and a lovely winter pale pink scarf.

On a different note my skin has been driving me to INSANITY but my sister got me Tgel for my hair (the scalp is also part of my body isnt free of the whole dry skin) and then E45 oil for bath and E45 shower cream, BOTH these products DONT contain lanloin AND they were bliss on my body!!! Such relief....

That's all for now folkssss.x

My Snappiesss!