Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Eat, drink and be merry?

Christmas is now FIVE days away. I went to the hospital today and everything was fine. They want me to decrease my morning dose of anti rejection tablet from 100mg to 75mg (just like my night meds atm)... Im not happy about that but I'm trying to not let it get to me. I don't think they understand that I have only just re-worked my skin pattern to get used to the whole 25mg of lower anti rejection which alone has let the donor cells attack me more and on top of that they are trying to decrease my steroids too fast. They never really let me have any peace with my skin, I never knew you could hate skin this much when its being troublesome, like a spoilt child huffing at the present they wanted but didn't get.

I'm trying to see the positives today but in general I'm tired and the hospital annoyed me. Although on wards and upwards I was in hospital this time last year having chemo over Christmas so I'm going to see the good side and be happy!

Speaking of happiness I got a email to say that the tourism centre loved my newsletter that I re-worded (to help them out) so I can't wait to see my actual words published in a newsletter that NI tourists will read for the duration of Winter 2011. I am really looking forward to doing more work to add to my CV as I think it will not only give me more self confidence but also gain a better understanding whether I want to go into that type of marketing when I graduate.

Share the happiness?
I love watching Christmas food programmes on the run up to christmas and have found a new food love of ... carrot and swede mash. Delish and whats better than Marks And Spencers Count On Us carrot and swede which is not only tasty but low fat and low calorie. Perfect!!! I can't stop eating at the moment, so I hope by the time Christmas Day comes I will eat less as I really don't want to be putting on the weight I have been working hard to keep off.

I know what I will be drinking LARGE amounts of... Diet Coke. Ice cold.... like carmel gold

Till next time (maybe I will not be as bad with my skin? Fingers crossed for me?)


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