Monday, 17 October 2011

All things yummy...and a dog

 I have previous to this post uploaded a photo of my crunchie cheesecake but this one is for my boyfriends 20th birthday, which is tommorrow. His mum is already getting him a normal birthday cake and he has yet to try my cheesecake, so alas I made him one! I always find difficulty with the biscuit base turning solid and not jus crumbling when you cut into the cheesecake. I think I did better this time. I used 41/2 oz of stork with 400g digestive biscuits. And turned the fridge extra cold so that it could set a bit easier. I just don't get a website that gives me the right ingredient ratio for biscuit to melted butter. Well enough for it not to crumble when i want to cut slicearoooss. The other photograph is of my first ever attempt of proper chocolate cupcakes. These have a nutella piped middle, so that when you mircowave/warm them up the nutella provides a "ooze" like centre. I was really pleased with these because I have never piped any ingredients straight into a cupcake or any form of cooked cake mixture BUT i was chuffed at how these turned out. On the top is a simple vanilla buttercream that I then added Bournville powder to... I used my piping kit that I got from Lakelands. Have to say I am chuffed at this photo, because I didnt half spend my entire day on them making sure I didnt get them wrong. I think though in future, deffo more buttercream mixture for the top, I found that some buns had to be left uncovered because I ran out of mixture. Sad times.

And of course the last photo is of my charlie warlie dog. He is sleeping in this photo but due to my phonearoooo flash it looks like he is just havin a afternoon nap. He should really get a bigger bed but I dont think he would be a happy chappy if we got rid of his bed. I don't want to tell you how huffy he gets if you buy him a human tesco duvet for him to lie on. Like we are doing him a diservice by keeping his bed from going mucky/mouldy especially in winter when the rain and bad weather makes him sit in bed for hours being a grumpy old man because he never wanted to go for a walk in the first place. Sour bake much?

Par from that I have been still working away in uni but i cant wait for Halloween, i am getting so excited. I miss being young though, it feels more special when you are young and indeed you don't feel as weird dressing up.

Toodles for now.x

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