Tuesday, 12 July 2011


I seem to be getting worse with this update malark for my wee blog BUT i got my hickman line out.... and since I can't find my lead for my BB to upload fotos of a) straight after removal and b) the scar healing up....

It took two doctors and three hours of me lying there without being knocked out and only local numbing to my skin to remove my hickman line. The trouble? Your body creates thick tissue around the line inside your body, to hold it in place and protect it... so when you want to remove it, you have to slowly cut the thick tissue away from it. That is what took the longest and needless to say I ended up swearing at the amount of pain even with the numbing in place.

BUT alas it is out and my bio oil is being used daily for the scars, and indeed the new scar that they couldnt help but make because it was that difficult to remove.

Another problem arose, because I'm near to day 90 of 100 now and I have developed a case of graft vs host on my face... burning, itchy, feels like acid..... hopefully it will go away and i wont have to face my worse fear.... steriods and being admitted to hospital.

Par from that I'm getting ready for my friend's L wedding, which Im bridesmaid of... its happening in 9 days. 20th July 2011 is her big day... gonna be so jealous cus she will look stunning. Cant wait though.

Fingers crossed my skin starts to feel non acidy.

1 comment:

  1. *huge hugs*

    Skin wise this might help: http://irishwishesarespecial.blogspot.com/2011/07/diy-facial-cleanser.html
