Friday, 3 June 2011

Sun, Wisdom and the figure 50

Clearly I am not built for this warm weather, I feel like my dog right now, who is currently out the back in the garden because everytime i bring him in, he suffers what only can be described as a train attack, where he pants that quickly his tongue goes purple. So im sitting trying to keep cold but i feel no breeze coming through my open windows. Oh well, you cant complain when the weather is lovely like this, we rarely see it!

Wisdom you ask? MY TEETH! I am praying, and hoping that the tooth coming up is NOT impacted but i have a sore throat just on one side and my entire gum feels like it will explode... my tooth also hasnt come out in line with the rest of my teeth.... I'm worrying.

The figure 50 being that i have reached day 50 out of 100 of my transplant, which means Im fifty days away from being out of danger of getting graft vs host disease (were the cells attack your body because it realises you arent its normal host aka mum lol) So im pleased with that, because after day 100 they start to decrease my anti rejection tablets and then i can stop this whole drinking of three litres every day, which is pretty hard with this tooth!

Is it weird that I sat indoors all day because i was tired but that i applied sun lotion just because it smelt of coconuts? Noooo... neverrrr *keep telling yourself that*

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