Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Update a roony

Woo, my 50th post on my blog, for me that is epic times. Blogger was down for a while (well for me it was) so I couldn't post about anything. Time for a update? A round up of my news? I think so.

I have been in Dublin now for six and a half weeks, to be honest I would deffo not be able to live anywere else other than home. I don't even think I could become one of those young people who take time off to travel to various countries, that's just not me... I prefer home comforts and my own bed etc. So yes I have been going to the HODC (which is the name for the day clinic) at the hospital nearly every day, then they started to lenghten it to every other day. For example this week I'm at the hospital Monday (yesterday) Wednesday and Thursday. It's not only for bloods but incase I need fluids or blood etc.

Yesterday I had the added charm of waiting for five hours in total at the HODC after getting fluids and then waiting to see my doctor, I then had to sit for 50 mins on a nebuliser for my lungs to prevent infection. I have never used a nebuliser but it has such a digusting taste and you breathe it in for 40mins.... but fortuately I only have to do that once a month to give my lungs added protection.... I suppose anything that will lower infection risk I will take lol.

No one has been up to visit me, the boyfriend has been busy with work and when he isnt at work I seem to be having a long day at the hospital... I don't know how people do LDR. It gets very lonely. I don't know how people just up and leave their home and then set up in a new location all on their own.

I'm trying to rack my brains to see whether I have any other news.... Well the Queen is visiting Dublin and the police are manic down here... police everywere. She is visiting the guiness storehouse, which is just round the corner from me at the moment... maybe she will take a big gulp of beer.... lol.

I suppose at the minute Im holding in my excitement about going home because I dont want to jinx anything... so I shall only be getting excited on the actual departure day. God I know its only 11am but im starving.... early sneaky pizza lunch? Too hard not to resist....

Toodles for now. I shall let you know if my with-holding my excitement was worth it as soon as i get the nod from the doctor....

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