Heya, this is my third day in thee hospital and between me and you *moves closer to screen* I love my bed, freaking comfy :D
Sooo yeah onto my post title, I went for a xray about my hickman line to see it was in the correct place and wasn't "curled" I had a journey and a half on my way down in the coolest chair ever, I feel remotely lazy and they tell you to do things slowly and u know what I LOVE IT :D (emmathong wud esp enjoy it)
The first journey was that i think i was chatted up by a porter telling me that i am farrr to young to be ill and that i should be outside enjoying the sunshine, while asking how old i was and laughing at my age ( clearly flanter dont u think? lol)
The second wee story (invovles the title) as i got to the xray department i seen a woman who was say about 80 with a HUGE humped back (ok ok that is not even being bitchy i am jus stating facts ok...) and every time this woman walked she farted! the loudest farts ever. And she wasnt aware of it at all. It was sooo funny.
Then as i was sitting in my wee chair waiting for a porter to push me up to ward 10, i heard someone get the best news of their life, they were better and as he whistled and waved. I felt like slowly slipping my foot out of the wheelchair, tripping him up and then whistling and smiling at him like i didnt do anything wrong. Jealous? Never! haha.
So yeah got my xray done and then got my hickman line redressed.... only to tell Dr. K that my knitting was going to make a long ladder to aid me in escaping from the hospital. Needless to say he laughed and told me "jane 10 floors mean a lot of wool"
Me thinks i could knit fast... dont u?
At the moment I am getting my first chemo dose but from everyone else app i dont feel anything til about the 4th day where upon they stick me on a constant supply of antisickness drugs and sleeping thing.... a needle into the stomach and stays there. Can't wait for that cus it knocks u out....
Might post later if i have another interesting story from hospital to tell but at the moment i am tucked into my bed and listening to music to keep me happy... "i touch myself" anyone (the song u ppl not a question!)
hahhaa.. the humped woman? i didnt know aunty Jane was in hospital that day!!! haha! that really made me laugh!!! hope u dnt get siccckk!! il tell nana to look over you. :) get well soon? :( ily xxx