Friday, 24 July 2009

Thee Break & Tea with Dr.K

So in totally from Feb to June I got two cycles of chemo... I have been on my "break" as the hospital folk call it for a month now and as it is ending in a couple of weeks I wanted to post about it all and what I am in for next... the last hurdle in the race as i call it.

During my break I have went back to being a normal teenager during the summer time... going out and seein my mates. I went to Dublin with my boyfriend (Tom) and seen thee new Harry Plopper movie... its was a bit funny since i had a dream that i was dating rupert and that i left tom for rupert..

Others thing i have been getting up to is jus going out and getting a tad drunk at Retro or such like.... I have been ordered to put weight on so I am now fully loving my diet of fatty foods and some sprinkles of healthy food that I think my mum adminsters during the night while i snooze....

Today i went for tea with Dr. K, this is my term for going to the hospital for a wee talk and blood test with Dr. K... the clinic as other call it but i feel "Tea with Dr.K" is better.

I got told that I still have a wee while before i go into hospital since they have to do a lung test ie capicity of oxgyen i can hold at times and also a wee heart echo, like come on i think that is rather cool. I loved when i was getting my biospy and seen my actual bitch tumour, many heard me call it "cute" lol. Not every day u see ur cancer and also ur heart during a hospital appointment.

After that I will get called in for my hickman line then i wil get brought into the hell that is my isolation room for 3weeks... i feel i shud draw up a escape route for when i go mad on steriods.... (i might post a wee post about the line when i get it in and let u all know what was involved- some people are really interested in that stuff)

Well for now i am still clawing at all the time i got before i have to do thee dreaded time in le hospital.....

Toodles for now....

1 comment:

  1. Heeeyy Jane. Just postin a comment so u know im still readin :) keep up the good work BITCHHHH! LOL ily x
