I am loving "Metro Station" at the moment, I dunno why, but it has started to become a song that i replay all the time, Kesley its called and the photo is one of the lyrics, which to be honest in a soppy and totally loved up way I LOVE, whoever wud swim the ocean for someone is either gotta be madly in love or just a tank! I am going to go for ... TANK!
Update time i feel... well on my bday post (which i re-read..anger issues much?) i was greeted by a ex who actually (wont go into detail) somewhat proved his love for me, in some sort of manner. I dont want a public blog to become the story of it, even tho many dont read this BUT in the end i took him back. Gasps? Shocked faces? Hopefully not. I was told that i was "mad" and "walked over" but sometimes u gotta see whether things can change.
Finally! Oh finally! finished exams! Can i get a woo woo? And also got a new hammie called Oreo, dont know if i have posted about her but she is sooo cute :D If i have posted about her then she is still going great, give her fur a wee clip yday cus of matts due to her love of sawdust :)
Anyway I am basically still driving (beep beep) booking my theory and having fun. Got a letter for a open day at my new uni WOO WOO so i can't wait for that. BUT! something annoyed me this week! THE BANK MACHINE ATE MY FECKING CARD! like why?! Oh and i got the shingles...
App my life is more funny than exciting in terms of this post. What have we learnt
- Jane took back her ex
- She got shingles from coming off her antiviral
- She doesnt have a bank card at the moment and wants to shop soo badly
- She went to get her retainers checked and pretended they fitted and had to nod along wif the densist whilst her retainers sat in her mouth due to them being too tight for her teeth.... eek much?
- Jane is lovin metro station and the clothes in miss selfridges I.MUST.HAVE.THEM.
"Its going to get harder and it going to feel tougher so let me say that i love you...." (kelsey)